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Man sat a desk using his laptop with resource icons popping out of the screen, highlighting what he is looking at on the screen. 






Dear Optometry profession

Welsh Government have now laid regulations that will enable WGOS to begin 20th October 2023.  You have a small window of opportunity to ensure you are able to provide service from that date.

Please do not delay and do not overlook this obligation.


Work undertaken from 20th October 2023 can only be supported and remunerated if you are compliant as a Performer and as a Practice.


Please see below documents and resources to support you:


As ever, NHS Wales are here to support you.  For further questions contact:

For listing:

For education:

For Optometry Wales:


Please do not delay and do not overlook.  The changes coming into force are not optional and they will affect everybody. 


The Eye Care Wales website is being updated.  Manuals, Webinar recordings and Q&A sheets from the webinars are all hosted here. 

Further support material will follow, please keep checking back at regular intervals.  Health and behaviour messaging resources will also appear on the website in due course.

We look forward to this significant evolution in Primary Care Contractor Optometry and thank you for your services.


Additional News


For further information on the future approach to Optometry please see: Optometry: delivering 'A Healthier Wales' 2021 to 2031 | GOV.WALES