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Your search for "diabetic eye screening" returned 29 possible matches.

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https: > > > services-and-teams > screening
Diabetic Eye Screening Wales
The Diabetic Eye Screening Wales service checks for eye problems caused by having diabetes. Eye screening looks for damage to the back of the eye (diabetic retinopathy) which can lead to permanent sight loss
> sa
Eye Care Wales
The Wales Eye Care Service provides help to anyone who is concerned about their eyesight or the sight of a friend or relative. And those who are vision-impaired or who are looking for further information on diabetic eye screening
https: > > > services-and-teams
PHW Screening Services
Screening is a process of identifying apparently healthy people who may be at increased risk of a disease or condition. The website provides information and guidance on cervical, bowel, breast, diabetic eye, new-born screening
> sa > eye-care-wales > wgos > other-healthcare-professionals
Free Eye Tests
> sa > eye-care-wales > eye-care-docs
WECS1_062016_003 Wales Eye Care Services (WECS)1.pdf
> sa > eye-care-wales > wgos > other-healthcare-professionals
WGOS 2 – Examination for Urgent Eye Problems
  WGOS Examination for Urgent Eye Problems is unique to Wales and offers eye examinations for patients with an acute eye problem that needs urgent attention. The WGOS service is available for patients by visiting an WGOS-registered optometrist practice in Wales and is free at the point of access eye examination for patients. Patients with eye problems often attend their GP. One aim of the WGOS Examination for Urgent Eye Problems service is to direct many of these patients to optometrists…
> sa > eye-care-wales > wgos
Eye health professional
Click here if you are an eye health professional.
> sa > eye-care-wales > wgos > eye-health-professional > health-board-information > health-board-service-information
BCUHB P-ODTC Diabetic Follow-up Community Pathway V12.docx
> sa > eye-care-wales > eye-care-docs
Eligibility for WGOS 1 Eye Examination.pdf
> sa > eye-care-wales > wgos > eye-health-professional > learning-resources > learning-resources1
Duty of Candour / Raising a Concern
    Download a service user guide to the Duty of Candour leaflet in pdf format.   Raising a concern about the WGOS 2 urgent eye care service Reporting form for difficulties getting an appointment in an optometry (opticians) practice for an eye problem that needs urgent attention.   Please use the following form if you feel there has been difficulty in accessing the service.   Normally, the following must apply to access the service: There is acute need typically a…

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 29